Sunday, September 14, 2014

Intrinsic chemosensitivity of RVLM sympathetic premotor neurons in the in situ arterially perfused preparation of rats.

Koganezawa T, Paton JF. Exp Physiol. 2014 Jul 11.

We normally think of the RVLM as something that responds to incoming signals from other areas and adjusts its activity accordingly. However, it has been shown that if you block synaptic transmission, the neurons still fire on their own despite a lack of incoming signals. Other groups have looked at their “pacemaker” properties, but in this paper, they decided to look at the intrinsic chemosensitvity of presympathetic neurons – something we haven’t really looked at. They used a modified version of the working heart brainstem preparation so that they could record the activity of nerves and neurons while they switched the perfusion solution to ones that would induce periods of eucapnia, normoxia, hypercapnia, hypoxia, etc. First, they blocked fast synaptic transmission and looked at spontaneous activity under the different conditions and found that in all 26 presympathetic neurons, activity was not significantly affected. During hypercapnic-hypoxia, they found that all presympathetic neurons increased their firing rate by an average of 130%. This indicates that these neurons are themselves chemosensitive, independent of afferents from chemoreceptors. They also tested the combined effects of cyanide and hypercapnia on presympathetic neurons during synaptic blockade and found that 7 had their activity depressed by -82%, while 3 were slightly excited by it, though the effect was not significant due to a wide variability in response. Interestingly, and in terms of differential control, they found out that if they block a particular sodium current known to be involved in C1 neuron activity, they can block the preparation from “gasping” during asphyxia, but sympathetic chain activity remains unaffected. Personally, my take-home message from this paper is that I really need to watch my blood gas measurements and make sure that I’m not putting my rat into a state that could compromise my recordings. -DH

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