Friday, September 6, 2013

Physical exercise performance in temperate and warm environment is decreased by impaired arterial baroreceptors

Purpose of study: Investigate whether prolonged exercise performance in temperate and warm environments is dependent on intact arterial baroreceptors and whether the loss of moment to moment regulation of blood pressure is associated with changes in cardiovascular and temperature regulation during exercise.

Results/Findings: Sinoaortic denervated rats that were treadmill trained demonstrated the following:

1.)    Fatigued sooner than sham rats during constant and incremental speed training in both temperature environments

2.)    Enhanced MAP and HR responses during training

3.)    Increased heat loss from skin during constant-speed exercise  at 25C

4.)    Increased systolic arterial pressure variability without changes in heart rate variability


Conclusion: That having impaired baroreceptor activity leads to greater strain on the cardiovascular system, making it more difficult for those with impaired baroreceptor activity to exercise.

1 comment:

  1. Hi pmuellerlab blogger,
    Please identify yourself in your posting so you receive credit!! ;-)
